The home for visionary entrepreneurs with big dreams.

Hi, I'm Theresa Lambert

Business + Growth Architect. Creative Strategist. Empowerment Leader.

My mission is to empower ambitious entrepreneurs like you to break through barriers and achieve the next level of success. You’re here because you’re ready to scale your business, create sustainable growth, and build a life that aligns with your deepest aspirations.

You want more than just sales—you want freedom, fulfillment, and a business that reflects your vision.

What sets me apart is a unique blend of Strategic Business Experience and Creative and Functional Integration.

With a background that includes scaling a luxury hotel to eight figures by the age of 33, I bring real-world expertise to the table, ensuring that every strategy we develop is grounded in proven success. I’m here to help you not only envision your goals but also implement the practical steps needed to achieve them.

You’re a Visionary CEO who's built an incredible business already, but you know there is more potential.

The steps to scale, to go bigger, to truly make an impact in the way you desire - those steps might feel unclear right now but intuitively you KNOW you're ready to start taking them and expand your Business.



The Mentorship + Strategic Consulting Program for ambitious Visionary CEO's ready to take their business to the next level, and SCALE with functional systems for repeatable + sustainable results.

You’re Here because you have a Desire for EXPANSION...

You’ve done an incredible job getting your business to where it is today.

But now you've arrived at a place where your business growth has slowed down and you are unclear what needs to shift to enable you to scale and experience next level momentum.

You've reached a point where you know your business has more potential, but between serving your clients and managing the day-to-day you can't see the path forward.

You have a vivid Vision for what you want to create, you have big expansive goals for your business, yet the steps to get there are blurry, leaving you feeling frustrated and spinning your wheels.

You crave clarity, structure, and someone who truly understands the unique challenges you face as an entrepreneur in today's rapidly changing business space.

If this is YOU then Momentum is the right program for you to get the high-touch,

strategic support to make it happen...

"I believe it is essential to understand your vision and then create a plan to bring it to life"

As a Mentor + Consultant I am here to help you unravel the complexities of your business with a mix of strategic insight and creative brilliance to build a business that's not only scaleable but works for YOU!

Hi, I'm Theresa Lambert

Business + Growth Architect. Creative Strategist. Empowerment Leader.

My mission is to enable ambitious entrepreneurs like you to break through barriers and achieve the next level of success. You’re here because you’re ready to scale your business, create sustainable growth, and build a life that aligns with your deepest aspirations.

You want more than just sales—you want freedom, fulfillment, and a business that reflects your vision.

What sets me apart is a unique blend of Strategic Business Experience and Creative and Functional Integration.

With a background that includes scaling a luxury hotel to eight figures by the age of 33, I bring real-world expertise to the table, ensuring that every strategy we develop is grounded in proven success.

Hi, I'm Theresa Lambert

Business + Growth Architect. Creative Strategist. Empowerment Leader.

My mission is to empower ambitious entrepreneurs like you to break through barriers and achieve the next level of success. You’re here because you’re ready to scale your business, create sustainable growth, and build a life that aligns with your deepest aspirations.

You want more than just sales—you want freedom, fulfillment, and a business that reflects your vision.

What sets me apart is a unique blend of Strategic Business Experience and Creative and Functional Integration.

With a background that includes scaling a luxury hotel to eight figures by the age of 33, I bring real-world expertise to the table, ensuring that every strategy we develop is grounded in proven success.

My goal for you is SIMPLE

Help you get crystal clear on your business goals and enable you to take the practical steps needed to achieve + sustain them. We do this by:

  • Identifying the minor gaps in your Operations, Sales + Marketing so we understand what needs to be adapted in order to scale.

  • Creating a custom success plan + Business Strategy to turn your Vision into tangible Reality

  • Identifying, implementing + building functional systems that align with your goals in business +life

  • Enabling you to leverage automations and lead a growing Team effectively.

Instead of feeling like scaling your business is an insurmountable challenge you will have a thriving, scalable operation!

You will walk away having the confidence to make bold decisions and the systems in place to ensure consistent, repeatable success. Knowing you are driving your business forward with purpose, clarity, and unshakable confidence.

"Working with Theresa is like taking the biggest sigh inside of your business"

She takes a no BS, full transparency & real AF approach to helping you scale your business in a strategic way that makes sense for you. Her Strategic Mastermind is structured for growth and that’s just what will happen. Whether it’s mindset, energetics, finances, strategy or launching a new offer, Theresa goes above and beyond to make sure that her clients, and their businesses, are fully supported from inception, ideation all the way to manifestation in the real world.

Martina Bijilan, Creative Branding Director, Copywriter + Coach

I understand the unique challenges you face as a driven visionary entrepreneur that desires more than conventional success!


But you also want FREEDOM, SPACE ON YOUR CALENDAR and TAKE OFF WEEKENDS without stressing over your business or checking your phone every 5-minutes...

And with the right strategies and functional systems in place this and more is beyond possible for you.

When you do this right [and when you have the RIGHT support] you will be able to:
  • Pay yourself $100,000 salary (or more) from your business

  • Have a Company that runs without you needing to be switched on 24/7 or be involved in every step (hello mastering leading a Team)

  • Achieving your annual Revenue Goals while working THE SAME OR LESS than you currently do

  • Reduced pressure to always make a new sale each month because you have a Business Model that is setup to generate MRR

  • Peace of Mind knowing your systems and processes are setup to support you as you grow

  • Having an actual Business backend that supports you to lead a growing team and communicate with ease.

  • Having a Sales and Marketing System that generates consistent quality Leads

  • Having a Business Plan to help you SCALE and stay focused on your strategic priorities (bye bye overthinking)

You know that you want a strategic partner to turn your Aspirations into Impactful Realities. Let's talk about how we can make it happen together...

I understand the unique challenges you face as a driven visionary entrepreneur that desires more than conventional success!

That's why I designed the
with you in mind - a comprehensive approach to help you launch with conviction and scale with purpose.

Here’s how we’ll apply this to YOUR Business:

  • Strategic Clarity: We’ll develop a clear, actionable plan that aligns with your vision and sets your business up for exponential growth.

  • Creative Innovation: Together, we’ll design systems and processes that enhance your operations, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

  • Adaptation: We’ll ensure your business remains agile and responsive, ready to seize new opportunities as they arise.

  • Leverage: We’ll seamlessly integrate new strategies into your existing operations, maximizing the resources and strengths you already have to drive sustainable growth.

  • Expand: Finally, we’ll scale your business to new heights, expanding your reach, impact, and success with the confidence and conviction needed to achieve long-term success.

If you’re ready to get a strategic partner to turn your Aspirations into Impactful Realities, it's time you and I connect ...

What My Clients Say...

"Previously to working together, sales were very inconsistent, but now I have sales each month"

Theresa has been an amazing support to me over the past year and she has supported me to grow my brand to where it’s at today. Previously to working together, sales were very inconsistent, but now I have sales each month and it feels fantastic. Theresa was always there to support, give advice and to help me make clear decisions. Entrepreneurship can be very lonely and I am so grateful she was there to support me in one of the hardest venture of my life so far.

- Marie Pier-Dionne - CEO/FOUNDER Tulu Wellness and Le Roudous Daycare

" In 4-months, I went from making $3000 sales months, to nearly $30,000 sales"

Theresa came into my world and I was blown away by her value. As a new entrepreneur, I was ready to hit the ground running and couldn’t seem to find a mentor or coach that was willing to match my energy and dive in headfirst to support me wholeheartedly. Until I met Theresa. She was ready, she was more than ready. She’s a strategic mentor, launching guru, levelheaded Buddha, and always inflow. I was drawn to her free spirit and ease. She has an ease about her that is unmatched by anyone I’ve come across. Along with her ‘breath of fresh air’ energy comes her powerful punch of strategic knowledge and awareness. Before I hired her, I was close to burnout. I even questioned if entrepreneurship was for me. After only two months of working with her inside her Mastermind, my world changed.

She’s the mentor, leader, and coach I needed. After working with her for only four months, I went from making $3000 sales months, to nearly $30,000 sales months. If you’re wondering, do I need a strategy coach and mentor? The answer is yes. You’ll learn how to work smarter, not harder" Working with Theresa feels like a refreshing tropical drink, mixed with a very hard and powerful rum punch. It will knock you off your feet in the best way possible."

Courtney Marchment - CPCC Business Coach

You’re not just looking for advice; you’re seeking a soulful expansion with a business that works for YOU.

"The balance of personal and professional development has been invaluable to me as a small business owner."

I can't thank you enough for the time we spent over the past few months. While there is still much work to do on the continued growth of my business I feel that the balance of personal and professional development has been invaluable to me as a small business owner. The way I view myself, my staff and my role in the business has changed so dramatically over the past months as we have worked through this process. Thank you so much for your patience and wise words of advice - and for pushing me when I needed it."

Roxanne Cave, CEO/Owner Celebrate Events

My clients don’t just achieve growth - they redefine what’s possible for their businesses and lives. You could be next...

Let’s connect and talk about ways we can work together to create and execute a plan that aligns with your vision, transforming your business into a thriving, self-sustaining entity that supports not only the growth of your business but also enables you to have the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.

What's Included in the Momentum Program:


(5) Five months of Strategic Consulting + Mentorship

This is the Mentorship + Strategic Consulting Program for ambitious Visionary CEO's ready to take their business to the next level, and SCALE with functional systems for repeatable + sustainable results.

During our time together you will receive high-touch, strategic and personalized guidance to scale your business, build out new revenue streams, and receive full support to plan and launch your products + services and transition them to an evergreen marketing system that works for YOU.

What you will receive:

90-minute to Scale Intensive

Includes a Business Audit to identify minor gaps in your operations, sales + marketing and done-for-you creation of a Success Plan + Strategy

4 x 60 Minute Mentorship Session

Business Mentorship Support via Slack Messenger 5-days per week to get our your questions answered in real time

1 x 90-min Business Intensive

Can be used to create a custom launch strategy + plan, Refine/Develop your signature offer, design your Sales Funnel or map out a plan to implement a Team Management system

6 x Project Submissions per month

You are able to submit your sales pages, Branding, Funnel Pages, Proposals, Pitches, Email Nurture sequences or other content/copy for your business to me and will receive a full review along with suggested edits to ensure your messaging is aligned with your brand and strategy.

Access to additional tools, resources to support you to grow your business including done-for-you ManyChat Automations, AI guide to writing copy, Content Cheat sheets and access to all my signature programs and courses

"I have been able to step into my true power as a badass CEO, gaining clarity and confidence."

Working with Theresa for the past 8 months has been incredibly transformational within my business. I have been able to step into my true power as a badass CEO, gaining clarity and confidence. She has given me a wealth of knowledge and teachings to implement immediately within my business on strategy, launching, refining my offers, and more!

Patricia Savile - Online Business Manager & CEO of PN Virtual Solutions

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